Salzburg 2016 - Residenzplatz

Residenzplatz is the main square in Salzburg's Old Town. It was established by the Prince-Bishop Wolf Dietrich Raitenau - who wanted to create an impressive piazza next to his official residence. About 55 houses and a cemetery was demolished to build the square.

Seems like the Salzburgians are a fun loving bunch. There was a festival happening at the Square and there were lots of people enjoying the great sunshine and beer, and a cheerful brass band was playing.

It seemed like grilled fish was their favourite party food.

There was also a stall selling what looked like fried macaroni and cheese - but I think they are Kartoffel Sterz - a traditional Austrian dish made with potato and flour - kind of like fried gnocchi. 

The locals were out in full traditional party gear.

In the centre of the square is an impressive fountain - Residenzbrunnen - which is the biggest Baroque fountain outside of Italy. It is built out of marble from Mount Untersberg.


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