Kuching 2011 - Visit to Logos Hope

As a kid in Kuching, a visit from one of the Logos ships was a huge event. They are basically floating bookshops run by a German charitable organization - but for a kid it the excitement was more the rare chance of getting physically close to a ship then anything else. Logos Hope's sister ship MV Doulos had visited Kuching in 2008. I took the kids for a visit and they were thrilled ! When they heard about Logos Hope, they starting bugging me everyday to take them. We finally went on 7th November which was a holiday.

I had heard about the long wait to get onto the ship and was a bit weary. The organizers had smartly put up some tents to provide much needed shade from the hot sun. The wait was about 20 min, not too bad.

Logos Hope is a much bigger and more modern ship compared to Doulos. The bookshop area is inside the ship and fully air-conditioned. You basically enter directly into the bookshop, walk through the whole shop and end up at the check-out counters before a cafe area. And that was it. Compared to Doulos where you could explore the upper decks of the ship, this was a bit of a disappointment. It didn't seem to dampen the kids enthusiasm one bit though. After we left, they started asking me when is the next visit.

The cafe just before just before the exit. There was a long queue so we decided to skip it.

Logos Hope has departed from Kuching last weekend.


We went a couple Sundays ago. Was a 45 minute line to get in. Skipped through the bookstore and went for the ice cream in the cafe. Then we hung around for the little skits in the theatre up front before we left.

All in all, an interesting experience, but I wish we had been allowed to explore more of the ship.
stacey shane saidā€¦
i agree wit u abt visiting d ship it was great. mv logos hope had just left kk to singapore las mon n we all say farewell 2 d crews wen d ship slowly slip away frm d port n she wen forward 2ward d open sea with d shower of blessing,it was 6.30pm on mon n it was cloudy (going 2 rain). during d visit onboard,we visited d book fair which air-con n we can felt d ship is moving side way cos of d strong sea wave frm d sea,it was a good experince (cos wen mv doulos in kch port,is a river n we dnt felt d ship is moving),we visited d cafe n enjoy d ice-cream (as usual on doulos),then d crew members onboard bring us 4 a tour inside d ship,to d cabin room,dining room (whr we lunch with them),then we visited d bridge whr we meet d captain harris(frm nertheland),aftr d tour,we thank lars (d crew member).it was a good experince is much more bigger then her sister ship THE GRAND OLD LADY-MV DOULOS.(because of her age 96 yr old ship,2 years younger after the great titanic sank.)we thank god 4 bring mv logos hope on her 1st visit to west n east malaysia n we hope 2 met d ship again.

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