Singapore 2011 - Star Cruise Entertainment

Judging from my observations of the crowd on board, about half the passengers were there not for the cruise experience. Many of the passengers disappear between meals, only to appear like magic during meal time. Where did they go ? The secret is of course the big black hole that is the casino on board. Star Cruise is run by the Genting Group - famous for their casino operations, and the Star Cruise fleet of ships are actually more floating casinos then anything else. The casinos only open on International waters in order not to flout the laws that be in nearby sovereignty.

If you are not a gambler, there are plenty of other activities to keep you occupied. The daily activities sheet is handed out the night before, so you can plan your day so as not to miss anything. The older passengers are probably more interested in relaxation then anything else, but if you have kids in tow you will be dragged from one event to the other until you beg for a break.

The highlight of all the entertainments is a live performance show at the Lido Showlounge. We had to rush through dinner to catch the show, and by the time we got there the theatre was already almost half full.

The show is called Rasputin - supposedly based on the life story of the notorious Russian mystic, but it could have been anyone else. The story is not the point here, but the spectacle.

The show was a cabaret with a mixture of dance routines and acrobatics. The costumes were very colourful, and the dancers pretty. Some of the acrobatic routines were amazing. It was very entertaining and well-executed, except for the annoying main character - who could have easily been excised from the show no one would have missed him. No photos were allowed, so I only managed to sneak a few shots.


Anonymous said…
Singapore Star cruise service is one of the best cruise in south Asia. I had visited it a year back and It was lifetime experience.

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Anonymous said…
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