Singapore 2011 - Star Cruise Last Day

The last day of the cruise, and everyone was busy getting ready to leave. The lobby was packed with passengers with their luggage in tow. The reception counter was jammed with people trying to settle their bills. It was not a pretty sight.

Thankfully for some relieve from the chaos, you can escape to the decks beside the lobby. This turned out to be my favourite part of the cruise - you get to see the Singapore skyline from the sea , a rare opportunity. This must have been what Sir Stamford Raffles felt like when he first sailed into Singapore - without the high-rises of course !

As you approach the Cruise Centre, you can also catch a glimpse of Resort World - the Gentings integrated resort which is just opposite. The architecture looks a bit stiff to me - for a theme park. We had decided to give it a miss as theme parks are generally not our cup of tea.


Indian Recipes said…
Thanks for sharing this information with all. All are fine location and hotels.

Anonymous said…
Star Cruise experience in Singapore was outstanding with Singapore Cruise Packages and Singapore tourism

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