Hong Kong 2010 - Street Food

Unless you stay in Hong Kong for a few months or live there, there is no way you can sample all the street food on offer. The variety is simply endless. For my last post on Hong Kong 2010, I'm going to share with you some of the many photos I took during the trip.

One good place to start is the Temple Street area in Kowloon. Besides the hundreds of restaurants and "dai pai tongs" here, there are also many hole-in-the-wall eateries, takeout shops and roadside stalls selling all kinds of street food to tickle anyone's fancy. Look for the stalls with a line of people waiting, and it's bound to be good.

This shop sells fishballs and dim sum. There was quite a good crowd, so the food must be not too bad.

Beef tripes are a popular local snack.

Stinky tofu. I had to stand quite far to take the pic. Look at that fierce cooking oil !

Curried fishballs are another local favourite. They serve it in a cup.

All kinds of meat skewers are very popular here. So are grilled seafood.

A curry house.

Porridge. Always popular in Hong Kong.

Snakes ? Anyone ?

If its after 2.00 a.m. and you can't find a place to fill your rumbling tummy, head for the 7/11. There is one at every corner. They have some delectable frozen Asian goodies which you can just microwave and savour in minutes. Some are not too bad !


Anonymous said…
Hello!I'm Rumi who met you at Komaneka in Bali. I couldn't wait to give some comments for the articles of Bali, because every picture looks so yammy...! Hopely come to Japan and see you again!
Borneoboy said…
Hi Rumi. Good to hear from you. Will be starting my posts on Bali soon. Stay tuned !
Anonymous said…
Street food in hongkong is very popular. many people take their dinner at street only. Their sea food and non veg food are very popular among local and foreign tourists too.

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